LifeClass the movie

Ben - David Stocker

BA (Hons) in Drama/Film, Graduate of the Australian Film & TV School

Following a varied life pursuing my own and others' personal growth, the last 26 years have been devoted to family life, bringing up 2 gorgeous children and keeping my partner entertained.  Due to my natural inclinations and my poor eyesight, I have had minimal worldly pursuits.  Those that I have had, have included directing films, working with High School students teaching and creating theatre with them for the last 15 years and my work mentoring and leading young men and their fathers/mentors through a Rite of Passage. 
My abiding interests are gardening, ceramics, working within and for community and writing.  I have also (with my family and friends) built a stone and mud castle in the bush and I love storytelling. Physically, I have one functioning eye and wear an eye patch much to the amusement of small children and my daughter, and I prefer to be kept warm!  "Life Class" has been the first time for a very long time that I have been in front of the camera.


